Async Changelog


4.3.0 (2024-06-04) Release on GitHub

  • Feature: Improve performance by avoiding unneeded references in FiberMap.
    (#88 by @clue)

  • Feature: Improve PHP 8.4+ support by avoiding implicitly nullable type declarations.
    (#87 by @clue)

  • Improve type safety for test environment.
    (#86 by @SimonFrings)


4.2.0 (2023-11-22) Release on GitHub

  • Feature: Add Promise v3 template types for all public functions.
    (#40 by @WyriHaximus and @clue)

    All our public APIs now use Promise v3 template types to guide IDEs and static
    analysis tools (like PHPStan), helping with proper type usage and improving
    code quality:

    assertType('bool', await(resolve(true)));
    assertType('PromiseInterface<bool>', async(fn(): bool => true)());
    assertType('PromiseInterface<bool>', coroutine(fn(): bool => true));
  • Feature: Full PHP 8.3 compatibility.
    (#81 by @clue)

  • Update test suite to avoid unhandled promise rejections.
    (#79 by @clue)

3.2.0 (2023-11-22) Release on GitHub

This release contains backported features from the Async v4.2.0 release for those
not yet on PHP 8.1+. Async v3 provides a compatible API, but may not take advantage
of newer language features. We encourage upgrading to the latest version when possible.

  • Feature: Add Promise v3 template types for all public functions.
    (#82 by @WyriHaximus and @clue)

    All our public APIs now use Promise v3 template types to guide IDEs and static
    analysis tools (like PHPStan), helping with proper type usage and improving
    code quality:

    assertType('bool', await(resolve(true)));
    assertType('PromiseInterface<bool>', coroutine(fn(): bool => true));
  • Feature: Full PHP 8.3 compatibility.
    (#83 by @clue)

  • Update test suite to avoid unhandled promise rejections.
    (#80 by @clue)

2.2.0 (2023-11-22) Release on GitHub

This is a compatibility release to ensure a smooth upgrade path for those not yet
on Async v4 or v3. We encourage upgrading to the latest version when possible, as
Async v4 will be the way forward for this project.

  • Feature: Full PHP 8.3 compatibility.
    (#84 by @clue)

4.1.0 (2023-06-22) Release on GitHub

  • Feature: Add new delay() function to delay program execution.
    (#69 and #78 by @clue)

    echo 'a';
    Loop::addTimer(1.0, function () {
        echo 'b';
    echo 'c';
    // prints "a" at t=0.0s
    // prints "b" at t=1.0s
    // prints "c" at t=3.0s
  • Update test suite, add PHPStan with max level and report failed assertions.
    (#66 and #76 by @clue and #61 and #73 by @WyriHaximus)

3.1.0 (2023-06-22) Release on GitHub

  • Feature: Add new delay() function to delay program execution.
    (#71 by @clue)

    echo 'a';
    Loop::addTimer(1.0, function () {
        echo 'b';
    echo 'c';
    // prints "a" at t=0.0s
    // prints "b" at t=1.0s
    // prints "c" at t=3.0s
  • Update test suite, add PHPStan with max level and report failed assertions.
    (#67 and #77 by @clue and #60 and #74 by @WyriHaximus)

2.1.0 (2023-06-22) Release on GitHub

  • Feature: Add new delay() function to delay program execution.
    (#72 by @clue)

    echo 'a';
    Loop::addTimer(1.0, function () {
        echo 'b';
    echo 'c';
    // prints "a" at t=0.0s
    // prints "b" at t=1.0s
    // prints "c" at t=3.0s
  • Update test suite, run tests on PHP 8.2 and report failed assertions.
    (#59 and #75 by @WyriHaximus and #68 by @clue)


4.0.0 (2022-07-11) Release on GitHub

A major new feature release, see release announcement.

  • We'd like to emphasize that this component is production ready and battle-tested.
    We plan to support all long-term support (LTS) releases for at least 24 months,
    so you have a rock-solid foundation to build on top of.

  • The v4 release will be the way forward for this package. However, we will still
    actively support v3 and v2 to provide a smooth upgrade path for those not yet
    on PHP 8.1+. If you're using an older PHP version, you may use either version
    which all provide a compatible API but may not take advantage of newer language
    features. You may target multiple versions at the same time to support a wider range of
    PHP versions:

This update involves some major new features and a minor BC break over the
v3.0.0 release. We've tried hard to avoid BC breaks where possible and
minimize impact otherwise. We expect that most consumers of this package will be
affected by BC breaks, but updating should take no longer than a few minutes.
See below for more details:

  • Feature / BC break: Require PHP 8.1+ and add mixed type declarations.
    (#14 by @clue)

  • Feature: Add Fiber-based async() and await() functions.
    (#15, #18, #19 and #20 by @WyriHaximus and #26, #28, #30, #32, #34, #55 and #57 by @clue)

  • Project maintenance, rename main branch to 4.x and update installation instructions.
    (#29 by @clue)

The following changes had to be ported to this release due to our branching
strategy, but also appeared in the v3.0.0 release:

  • Feature: Support iterable type for parallel() + series() + waterfall().
    (#49 by @clue)

  • Feature: Forward compatibility with upcoming Promise v3.
    (#48 by @clue)

  • Minor documentation improvements.
    (#36 by @SimonFrings and #51 by @nhedger)

3.0.0 (2022-07-11) Release on GitHub

A major new feature release, see release announcement.

  • We'd like to emphasize that this component is production ready and battle-tested.
    We plan to support all long-term support (LTS) releases for at least 24 months,
    so you have a rock-solid foundation to build on top of.

  • The v4 release will be the way forward for this package. However, we will still
    actively support v3 and v2 to provide a smooth upgrade path for those not yet
    on PHP 8.1+. If you're using an older PHP version, you may use either version
    which all provide a compatible API but may not take advantage of newer language
    features. You may target multiple versions at the same time to support a wider range of
    PHP versions:

This update involves some major new features and a minor BC break over the
v2.0.0 release. We've tried hard to avoid BC breaks where possible and
minimize impact otherwise. We expect that most consumers of this package will be
affected by BC breaks, but updating should take no longer than a few minutes.
See below for more details:

  • Feature / BC break: Require PHP 7.1+ and add type declarations.
    (#11 by @clue)

  • Feature: Add Generator-based coroutine() function.
    (#12, #13 and #54 by @clue)

  • Feature: Support iterable type for parallel() + series() + waterfall().
    (#45 by @clue)

The following changes had to be ported to this release due to our branching
strategy, but also appeared in the v2.0.0 release:

  • Feature: Only stop loop for await() if a pending promise resolves/rejects.
    (#33 by @SimonFrings)

  • Feature: Forward compatibility with upcoming Promise v3.
    (#47 by @clue)

  • Minor documentation improvements.
    (#37 by @SimonFrings and #52 by @nhedger)

2.0.0 (2022-07-11) Release on GitHub

A major new feature release, see release announcement.

  • We'd like to emphasize that this component is production ready and battle-tested.
    We plan to support all long-term support (LTS) releases for at least 24 months,
    so you have a rock-solid foundation to build on top of.

  • The v4 release will be the way forward for this package. However, we will still
    actively support v3 and v2 to provide a smooth upgrade path for those not yet
    on PHP 8.1+. If you're using an older PHP version, you may use either version
    which all provide a compatible API but may not take advantage of newer language
    features. You may target multiple versions at the same time to support a wider range of
    PHP versions:

This update involves some major changes over the previous v1.0.0 release that
has been deprecated since 2013. Accordingly, most consumers of this package
should not be affected by any BC breaks. See below for more details:

  • Feature / BC break: Change to Promise-based APIs instead of callbacks (continuation-passing style).
    Support promise cancellation and upcoming Promise v3.
    (#6, #7, #9 and #46 by @clue)

  • Feature: Add new await() function (import from clue/reactphp-block).
    (#8 by @clue and #39 by @SimonFrings)

  • Minor documentation improvements.
    (#38 by @SimonFrings and #53 by @nhedger)

  • Improve test suite and add .gitattributes to exclude dev files from exports.
    Run tests on PHP 8.1, PHPUnit 9, switch to GitHub actions and clean up test suite.
    (#2, #3, #4, #5 and #10 by @clue)


1.0.0 (2013-02-06) Release on GitHub

Imported release from original tag date 2013-02-06.

  • First tagged release